Developer credentials

Learn how to manage your Developer credentials. include API keys and OAuth 2.0 registered apps. These credentials support the three authentication methods described in Security and authentication.

Manage developer credentials: clicking this button takes you to your content list in your . This will list all content items stored in your account. You can then select the developer credentials to update or create new ones.

Create developer credentials: clicking this button takes you to your portal to display a modal explaining how to create an API key or OAuth 2.0 application. Complete instructions for creating a new API key are provided in the tutorial Create an API key.

Filter items

You can filter the list of your available developer credential items using the following UI controls:

Search title: Enter words or phrases to match item titles. The list of developer credentials will update to show only item titles that match the beginning of words to what you enter. You can clear any text entered by clicking the X.

Tags: Select one or more tags to filter the list to just the items with the assigned tag(s). Click the V chevron to display a list of all available tags. You can enter text to display a list of matching tags, and then click on the tags you want to filter by. You can clear individual tags by clicking the X that appears in each tag chicklet, or clear all the tags by clicking the X that appears next to the chevron.

Filter by: Filter the item list by the type of item, either API keys, OAuth applications, or all. Click the V chevron to display the available options. With an option selected, click the X to clear the item type filter.

Sort by: Sort the list alphabetically by title or by date the items were last modified. Click the V chevron to display the available sorting options. With an option selected, click the X to clear the sort filter.

Credential item list

The list of filtered developer credentials will show all items matching your filter criteria. Up to 10 items are displayed at a time. Use the paging controls at the bottom of the page to navigate the pages of items. The following attributes appear for each item in the list:

Title: This is the title you assigned the item when you created or last modified it. This is the title that is used for the search filter.

Item type The type of item, one of Application, API key, or API key (Legacy). You can filter your items by this field with the filter by setting. Indicates the item is an API key, OAuth application, or API key (legacy).

Created: The date the item was first created.

Modified: The date the item was last modified (or first created if it was never modified). You can sort your items by this date with the sort filter.

Privileges: Display the list of privileges assigned to this credential. If there are assigned privileges, clicking See list will display a modal with the list of privileges and other details.

View usage: Navigates to the usage page on your dashboard with the selected developer credential loaded and displayed in the graph. See Help/usage for more information about the usage page.

Manage credential Navigates to your portal to show the item page for the selected developer credential. On this page you can edit the item meta data, adjust the credential settings and privileges, and generate secrets to use in your apps.

For API keys

The following attributes appear for API key items:

Token: You can generate up to two API key access tokens in order to facilitate key rotation. If you only generated one token, you will see Token followed by either AT1 or AT2. If you generated both tokens, you will see two entries First token followed by Second token. You will only see the AT prefix followed by a portion of the client ID, which can help you identify the token without compromising its security.

Expiration date: The date you set when the key should expire. Note that keys will expire at 00:00:00 GMT of the date you set.

For OAuth applications

The following attributes appear for registered OAuth application items:

Client ID: The unique client identifier that is assigned to your registered application. There is a copy button to help you easily copy this value and paste it into your application code. Keep these credentials well guarded and treat as you would a password.

Client secret: The client secret that is assigned to your registered application. This value is hidden, but you can click the view button to display it. There is a copy button to help you easily copy this value and paste it into your application code. Keep these credentials well guarded and treat as you would a password.