
Learn about the billing page and manage your usage and costs when using ArcGIS Location Platform services.

Your subscription ID is noted on the right-hand side of this page. You will need this to identify your account in any communication with Esri customer service.

The billing page provides three tabs to summarize your account billing status and history:

  1. Summary
  2. Payment methods and history
  3. Vouchers


The billing page helps you manage your account billing, method of payment, payment history, and current billing month accumulated service usage. On this billing page you will find the following:

Current billing cycle: shows the current billing cycle, which starts on the first day of your billing cycle and summarizes all usage up to today. Usage from certain services may take anywhere from 10 minutes to 24 hours to appear on your account, depending on the service, type of usage, or time of day. Daily usage totals are from the 24-hour period ending at midnight UTC. A complete day of billing activity begins tabulation in Pacific Time (PST) at 5:00 PM each day. Check after 5 PM PST for a complete usage and billing summary of the prior day. Note that the billing tabulation process may take up to 2 hours.

Next billing date: the next date a new invoice will be generated for your account, summarizing all the usage and billing incurred over the prior billing cycle.

Next bill amount: the current running total in the current billing cycle, which will conclude on the next billing date. The tooltip summarizes the usage plus the storage accumulated to date in the current billing cycle.

Bill last calculated: this is the time the current billing data was recorded and summarized for your account. The time is adjusted to your local time zone.

Total voucher balance: if you have any vouchers applied to your account, this is the balance in the current billing cycle that will be applied against any currently active vouchers.

Billing summary usage table

Following the billing summary, if you have any service usage in the current billing cycle, a table that itemizes each service is shown.

Type: The name of the service. The service name will match the pricing page and the Mapping and location services guide.

Cost: How much that service usage will be billed, in USD, after any available free tier is applied.

Totals: The total usage in the units that particular service is measured (e.g. requests, tiles, storage, etc.)

Usage: A link to the usage graph for that particular service on the usage page. There you can review the usage over the course of each day in the billing month.

Payment methods and history

A method of payment is required to enable pay-as-you-go (PAYG). Two forms of payment are accepted:

  1. Credit card
  2. Purchase order

Current payment method

Your account can only have one payment method active at any time. This is referred to as the default payment method. All invoiced charges are applied to that payment method.

Credit card

To enter a credit card as the method of payment, click Enable pay-as-you-go. You will need your credit card details (name on card, card number, expiration date, CCV, billing address.) You must agree to the terms and conditions.

With a credit card on file as your default payment method, you can disable pay-as-you-go at any time. Return to this billing page, click Payment methods and history, and then click Disable pay-as-you-go. When you disable pay-as-you-go, your account will no longer have privileges to services that do not include a free tier or services in which you have exceeded the free tier. If you have exceeded the free tier for storage, you will continue to accumulate usage costs until you delete your hosted services. Any remaining charges metered to your account will bill on this credit card until the close of the current billing cycle, or another credit card is added to your account.

If you have any billing issues with your credit card, contact Esri customer service.

Purchase order

When your account has a purchase order applied the details of that payment method appear here.

  • Purchase order id: The ID of your purchase order to match your records.
  • Admin name: The ArcGIS account name that is the administrator of the account.
  • Start date: The first date the purchase order is active. Before this date no charges will be billed on this purchase order.
  • End date: The end date for billing against this purchase order. After this date no further charges will be billed on this purchase order.
  • Initial balance: The initial amount of the initial purchase order.
  • Remaining balance: The balance remaining on the purchase order considering all prior billing months that have been drawn down since the start date up to the start of the current billing month.

If your purchase order expires or the remaining balance goes negative, your account will be suspended. Contact Esri customer service to apply an updated purchase order or change the payment method to a credit card.

If you have a purchase order active on your account you will not be able to apply a credit card from this page. In order to do this you must contact your account manager or Esri sales.


You can enable or disable pay-as-you-go at any time. Pay-as-you-go is a billing option that enables you to pay only for the location services you use. Pay-as-you-go is turned off by default for new accounts. When pay-as-you-go is active, you will be charged for usage that exceeds the free tier for applicable services and for any usage against services that do not include a free tier. Free tiers refresh at the start of your billing cycle. You can estimate costs on our pricing page or learn more about pay-as-you-go on our FAQ page.

In order to enable pay-as-you-go (PAYG), you must have a valid payment method on file. With a credit card payment method, you can turn on or off PAYG at any time. With a purchase order, PAYG is permanently enabled.

If you do not have a valid payment method on file, you will not be able to turn on PAYG. Without PAYG turned on you only have privileges enabled for services with a free tier and that free tier has not been exhausted.

When you enable pay-as-you-go (PAYG), you are prompted for a method of payment. This dialog will only accept a credit card as a method of payment. To apply any other payment method you must contact Esri customer service.

In order to remove your credit card you disable pay-as-you-go. On the billing page, click Disable pay-as-you-go. With pay-as-you-go disabled, your account will no longer have privileges to services that do not include a free tier or services in which you have exceeded the free tier. Any remaining charges metered to your account will bill on this credit card until the close of the current billing cycle, or another credit card is added to your account.

Payment history

The payment history table displays the payments applied to your account, the date of payment, and the amount.


On this page you can enter a new voucher and review the vouchers that have been applied to your account, the amount, and date of expiration.

Vouchers are assigned by Esri with an amount (in USD) and an expiration date. This is effectively a credit applied to your account that must be used by the expiration date. To enter a new voucher, enter the voucher code assigned to you in the enter voucher code field and then click redeem.

With a voucher applied that has an available balance and a future expiration date you will be able to enable pay-as-you-go, even if you have no other payment method. Any available free tier of service is applied before billing against the voucher balance. Once the voucher balance goes negative and you have no other payment method, your account has all privileges removed for all services without a free tier or the free tier if fully consumed. You must wait until the next billing cycle when your free tier is refreshed. To avoid this, add a payment method.

With a voucher applied you will see the following on this page:

  • Total voucher balance: The sum of the remaining balance of all active vouchers.
  • Code: Each voucher code that was redeemed on your subscription.
  • Status: The current status of the voucher, either Active or Expired.
  • Total balance: The initial voucher amount.
  • Remaining balance: The amount remaining after usage charges have been applied to this voucher.
  • Redeemed date: The date the voucher was redeemed on your subscription.
  • Expires: The date the voucher expires. This is assigned by Esri. Any balance remaining after the expiration date if forfeited.

Payment order

Payments are applied in the following order:

  1. Free tier: any available free tier of service is applied first.
  2. Voucher: if you have an available voucher balance, it is applied to your bill before any other payment method.
  3. Default payment method: either purchase order or credit card is used to cover any remaining balance on your account.

After your exhaust any free tier of service and any vouchers, billing is applied to your default payment method. If there is no available balance remaining on a purchase order or credit card payment fails, your account is suspended. Any access tokens will be denied service usage until a valid payment method is applied or the next billing cycle begins with any free tiers restored.

Billing terms and conditions

You must read and agree to the terms and conditions of the license agreement and agree to pay all fees owed to Esri for your use of Esri services.

Billing by service

This section will review the billing details of each location service. Refer to the pricing page for the exact cost for each service, the available free tier of service, and a usage estimator.


Basemaps are billed by each tile delivered to you from Esri's servers and recorded against the authentication method supplied. This includes tiles consumed in ArcGIS apps such as Map Viewer, Scene Viewer, and Vector Tile Style Editor, as well as in your client application.

Other resources including style JSON, fonts, glyphs, and sprite sheets are not metered.


The places service is metered based on the query results returned from nearby and bounding box searches, and the group of place attributes returned from place details endpoint.

You are not charged for usage to the Places service when you query for categories, icons, or using the places layer in the basemaps service.

When executing a place search request with either nearby or bounding box, you are only charged for queries that return results. If no results are returned, you are not charged.

For example, you issue a nearby search with the page size set to 50 and offset set to 1. The search returns 50 results. You then issue a search request with the page size set to 50 and offset set to 51. The search returns 5 results. You are charged for 2 requests.


When requesting place details, you will be charged for all attributes returned that have valid values. You are not charged for attributes with null values. You are only charged once for each price group regardless of the number of fields returned from each group in a single request.

The price groups are, in order of increasing value:

  • place
  • address
  • details
  • location

Refer to the table on the place details page for the specific fields included in each price group. Refer to the pricing page for the cost and free tier for each group.

Considering the example above, you iterate over the 55 results returned to get place details using requestedFields=all to retrieve all available place details for each place id. Of those results, 10 results do not have location attributes, and 10 results do not have location or details attributes. In this scenario, you performed 55 place details requests but are charged for 35 address, 10 details, and 10 location price groups.


The geocoding service considers two price groups, whether the geocode results are temporary or stored. In order to store your geocoded results you must enable the forStorage parameter in the request. Geocoding is charged based on the number of results returned (not the number of requests.)

Geocode results returned when geocoding a CSV of address data while creating a feature service is considered for storage and billed at the for storage rate. This also applies to the bulk geocoding service.

Requests to the autosuggest are not charged.

Refer to the pricing page for the cost for each group and the available free tier.


The routing services offer algorithms tailored to specific routing problems, each with its own charging model.

Refer to the pricing page for the cost for each routing service and the available free tier.

Data enrichment

Requests to the data enrichment service return a number of attributes that depend on the input parameters. These attributes are computed by taking the number of requested GeoEnrichment variables (dataCollections) and multiplying by the number of areas analyzed (studyAreas) or features analyzed in a feature service. Therefore, the cost is dependent on the total number of returned attributes in the query response.

GeoEnrichment reports are generated from the create report service. This service is billed by the number of reports generated.


There are two categories of data storage considered with ArcGIS Location Platform: feature service storage and tile, file, and attachments storage. Your feature service data is stored in a high-performance database optimized for spatial queries, which is differentiated from the file storage used for your files, published tiles, and attachments. While the two storage categories have different costs associated with them, the method of cost calculation is the same.

The storage that is consumed by your account is computed hourly each day of your billing cycle and the final billing amount is calculated at the end of the last day of your billing cycle. The storage billing is then reset at the start of the next billing cycle.

Your storage is sampled 24 times per day. Each hourly sample deducts the available free tier of storage allocated to your account. Then a billable amount is determined for that hour. The billable amount is multiplied by the cost of the service for 1 hour considering the number of days in the current month. Each hourly sample is added to provide a total cost for 1 day, and the daily cost is added each day to a monthly total. The storage amount is averaged hourly to accommodate abrupt fluctuations while adding and deleting data so the average provides a smoother picture of the data stored over the span of a day. Separate hourly storage averages are computed for Feature service storage and Tile and data storage.

For example, if you store 200 MB for the entire day, the 24 hourly samples should add up to the same cost as 1 day of storage based on the number of days in the current month. For July, this is (200 MB stored - 100 MB free tier) * (0.024 cost per MB / 31 days in month) = $0.077419. At $0.077419 per day added up over 31 days is $2.40.


You are charged for data served from ArcGIS servers. Feature services meter query data (read) separately from edits (write).

You are charged for tile data served when an application requests your stored map tiles or vector tiles.

Refer to the pricing page data hosting section for the cost for each service that meters bandwidth and the available free tier.

Publish tiles

Publishing tiles on ArcGIS servers requires a geoprocessing task to cook your feature services into map tiles or vector tiles. While the publishing process charges only for published tiles, you are also billed for the resulting tile storage and the bandwidth to deliver the tiles to client applications. See storage for more information about storage billing. Refer to the pricing page data hosting section for the cost available free tier.

Spatial analysis

There are many spatial analysis services available in ArcGIS, each with its own metering considerations. There are three categories of spatial analysis services:

  • Feature analysis: metering is based on the number of features analyzed. For analysis that also includes a routing algorithm (for example, service area drive time, origin-destination pairs, demand points, etc.) the routing algorithm billing is added to the number of features analyzed.
  • Geometry analysis: metering is based on the number of features/geometries analyzed.